Partner with
A Passion for Life

Our mission is to to mobilise hundreds of churches, equip thousands of believers, and reach the UK and Ireland with the good news of Jesus. Your gift today could help us encourage Christians nationwide to share the gospel with their friends, colleagues, and neighbours.

Our nation needs the gospel.
Will you help the church respond?

94% of people in the UK aren’t committed Christians.* How will they respond to the gospel unless we share it with them?

Your gift today will help us equip churches for year-round evangelism and rally them for our next month of mission in 2026, so that together, we can see our nation reached with the gospel.

By God’s grace, over 800 churches joined us in 2022, when we saw thousands of people engaged with the good news of Jesus, and a growing confidence in evangelism among God’s people across the UK and Ireland.

Will you help us build on this momentum as we get ready for a 2026 month of mission, prepare for a lifetime of evangelism, and share our passion for life in Christ?

2026 mission target


churches involved

2022 mission


churches involved

2014 mission


churches involved

total target

Help make a nationwide mission happen.

It would only take the equivalent of one church’s budget to help hundreds of churches reach thousands of people across the UK with the gospel. Will you help us raise and double our end of year target of £20,000?*

*Your gift will help us take a step toward our total fundingtarget of £100,000 as we prepare for the 2026 mission

We want to make resources that will help churches prepare for a month of mission in 2026 and a lifetime of evangelism beyond. Your gift today will help:

Equip Christians for personal witness

Your gift will enable us to refresh and expand our suite of personal evangelism training videos, encouraging and equipping many more Christians for a lifetime of sharing Jesus.

Help churches prepare for mission

Your support will help us develop the visual identity of the Life ‘26 mission, and deliver a wide range of assets for churches to promote their mission events during the 2026 mission.

Reach the UK with the gospel

Your generosity will help us produce a new video-based course that will help church leaders understand and address the various factors that contribute to the mission culture and evangelistic effectiveness of their churches.


of participating churches reporting that APFL has had a positive impact on the evangelistic culture in their church


of participating churches stated that the Personal Evangelism videos were the most useful APFL resource


of participating churches gave a donation to APFL

“To see over 800 churches gather together, unified in aim and doctrine, holding hands from Bodmin to Elgin is such an encouragement. So, winning back the nation for Christ stops being just a pipe dream. It makes your heart sing. And I’m sure in 2026 we can get well over 1,000 churches involved with the right resourcing.”

Rico Tice

Partner with a Passion.

How to give

Here are the details of how you can support A Passion for Life financially.

Raising funds

Please prayerfully consider whether your church mission budget or your friends would want to support this mission endeavour across the UK and Ireland.